When I visit other blogs, my mind buzzes with ideas for posts. So many memories are recalled, or ideas are sparked, when reading about the lives or thinking about the thoughts of others. Today I saw so many words of wisdom, whimsy, and wit! Maybe that's what the "www" in the blog addresses meant today. Even when the subject matter was weighty, the thoughts sparkled. I even did some screenshots because some of the posts were very valuable, I felt, containing memories of the past, or strategies for improving one's life, by quieting and decluttering the mind.
Nature certainly helps me readjust my attitude.
If you look at the photo above, in the upper right you can see a bit of my car. I just HAD to have that color, "Black Cherry Pearl." Umm-hmmm, really smart choice for a car in the desert...nope...
At the end of our block in Texas, a house had an absolutely fluorescent pink redbud. Our cattycorner neighbor had a very old, very tired redbud, too, but it had a darker tinge to its blossoms. I should have asked for a twig from that hot-pink redbud, and propagated it.
Here I have found several little "wild" redbuds, at a small medical center. Did you know that redbuds are also called "Pea Pod" trees? Their flowers are edible, as are their "pea pods" and the seeds inside.
I think the flowers would look pretty in a salad! Or atop some guacamole.
I have noticed that with most "edible" flowers, you would not want to have seconds...maybe they are acquired tastes...nasturtiums and violets included, although I used to love "sugaring" violets and putting them on cakes. Oxalis (rabbit grass) flowers are delightful, if you love sour things!
But...it is Spring Break here, and so the school is shut, and I am busy having the old-lady version of a slumber party. My slumber party involves actual slumbering! I stay up late to catch up on the blogs and search for new ones, look at stitching and crafting videos on YouTube, and make myself a cup of decaf coffee to enjoy. Then I stitch while "watching" some British mystery or documentary about ancient times, or read a favorite book. I am re-reading "A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska: The Story of Hannah Breece." I am sure someone would want to "cancel" Miss Breece today, and her book would have never been written. But I love it, not only for the lore, but because it is exceedingly interesting, especially when paired with the copious footnotes her great-neice included in the book. What an incredible saga of an older lady in the frozen frontier!
As the clock ticks on, I almost feel giddy that I can read as much as I want! When I get sleepy during my "slumber party," I doze a bit, then awaken and read some more, or even stitch a bit more, then snooze again. It is so delightful to know I can sleep and awaken naturally, with no intrusive alarm.
Do you have your alarm set to a pleasant sound, or to something that will startle you awake? I have a sweet alarm of twittering birds.
As always, thank'ee for stopping by.
Kind regards,
Olde Dame Holly