
Monday, December 21, 2020

Last-Minute Free Printable To - From Tags

I was a bit shocked to go into a Walmart yesterday to grab a few last-minute Christmas decorations, only to find Christmas gone except for a few things in baskets by the garden section, and Valentine's Day candy and decorations where the Christmas items had been. 

Here are some free printable tags in case you find yourself in a similar situation. Free, gratis, no strings attached.

I remember a very elderly neighbor when my first husband was in graduate school. She lived a few doors down in what had then become a "student ghetto," one of the last holdouts in the entire area not to be a student or married to a student. She was generous in sharing little things she had, and she would never just say they were "free" -- she would say, "Free, gratis, no strings attached." I picked that up and have said it myself for about 40 years now.

I don't like to always be sighing over "the good old days," but I do remember the fun of shopping the last week of Christmas, and indeed on Christmas Eve. The stores were still full of Christmas things and the bustle was exciting. I don't know when exactly that retail began acting like Christmas was over before it was over.

In other news, I have yet to be able to do my embroidery this month, or last. Maybe in January. I have so many ideas for early winter and Valentine's Day.

And speaking of upcoming holidays, be sure to get yourself a broom (straw broom is best) before January 6th! You'll need it for Twelfth Night! Twelfth Night is actually celebrated on January 5th, the Eve of the Epiphany. So have it handy before then.

Click THIS LINK <----- to save a copy of the file below. I have it stored on Google Drive. If you click and save the actual image below, it might not print nicely, having been compressed and shrunk by Blogger.

free printable diy christmas tags for gifts

Thank'ee for stopping by!

    Kind regards,

    The Merry Olde Dame, Holly


  1. Valentines Day already?! I just discovered we are low on gift tags when son went to wrap something and came asking if we had any. (Can you tell I haven't wrapped presents yet? haha) -Jenn

  2. I haven't wandered through the Christmas sections, so had no idea things were so picked over already. Good thing I already have so much decoration stuff and not many to get presents for! Thank you for the tags and the card holders the other day.

  3. I never knew what your name was. Holly? Are you a Christmas baby?
    I, too, wish we could finish one holiday before moving to the next! I can remember when the Christmas season started AFTER Thanksgiving.
    Thank you for the sweet tags.
    Please tell us more about the broom and the 12th night. I am not familiar.
    Merry Christmas ;-)

  4. I had to look up about the old broom/new broom reference and found that getting rid of the old broom represents getting rid of the past year's miseries ( if only we could) and the new broom represents protection for the coming year. But you obviously knew all this already! I like learning new things. Thaks.


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